Leadership Lessons: Provide Vision & Instruction, Pt. 3

Leadership Lessons: Provide Vision & Instruction, Pt. 3

A good shepherd is diligent to protect his sheep from all sorts of threats and to ensure they are kept healthy and well nourished.

Leadership Lessons: Provide Vision & Instruction, Pt. 3

"Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears."

(Acts 28:31)

In this week's devotions, we are looking at the important topic of leadership. There are literally thousands of books and articles that address this grand topic. Men like John Maxwell, Peter Drucker, Jim Collins, and a host of others have instructed and helped so many leaders. There are also many women today who are great leaders from whom I have learned much, like Christine Caine and Lysa TerKeurst. The Bible has much to say about leadership as well. In fact, one of the best books ever written about leadership is the Book of Nehemiah. What an incredible leader he was!

We have been examining the Apostle Paul's message he shared with the Ephesian pastors around AD 57. He did not hold back or water down his message. He had this last opportunity to speak to them, and he used his time wisely and spoke truth in love. He was most concerned for how they would lead the church of God.

In Acts 20:31, Paul continues his instruction to these Ephesian pastors. He reflects on what he has already said by using the word "therefore." These men of God were to watch, be on the alert. To preserve the doctrinal purity of the church is a sacred priority for a pastor. Paul did this for three years. While he served the church, he constantly warned them, and he did so with tears. He faithfully taught them the Word of God. He was a good shepherd to his sheep.

This analogy of the sheep and the shepherd is seen clearly in this text. A good shepherd would be diligent to care for his sheep and protect them against the following threats: swollen streams and rivers, animals like wolves and hyenas, birds of prey that would swoop down on a lamb or kid, and most of all, humans who would come to rob the sheepfold and murder the shepherd. (See John MacArthur, Acts 13-28: The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, p. 227.)
For the last 12 years, I have served as the pastor of Great Hills Baptist Church in Austin, TX. My wife, Ashley, and I have poured our hearts into the work of ministry at Great Hills. We praise God for the privilege and responsibility to serve the Lord in this way. As the lead pastor, I know I have made mistakes and will continue to make mistakes. God continues to shape and mold me into the pastor leader He wants me to be. I love our people and am grateful for their patience.

While writing this devotion today, I noticed something I had not seen before: the great Apostle Paul also cried when he preached! He said he warned them constantly with tears. I take that to mean he cried a lot! I get very passionate when I preach, and many times I cry when I teach the Word of God. Just this past Wednesday, as I was sharing with the church what I feel is the direction we need to go, I was overcome with emotion. During the meeting, I walked over to my wife and began to cry. No one did or said anything negative, it was just the enormity of what we were discussing that flooded my soul. But God. He empowered me to get up and go back and lead the meeting. Men of God spoke truth and life into me, and the Holy Spirit emboldened me to carry on and move forward in what He has called me to do for such a time as this.

Paul had people who labored with and beside him. These were godly people who blessed and encouraged him and held up his arms in times of struggle. Does your pastor at your church have people like this? Are you one of them? I assure you, wherever you are, no matter what size your church, if your pastor is preaching the Bible and trying to walk with God and lead you well, then he is under hostile enemy fire from none other than Satan himself. Join forces with other followers of Jesus in your church and pray fervently for him and commit to stand in the gap.

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Ep. 300 Special: The LORD is My Shepherd

We are so excited to have reached the milestone of our 300th episode of REvangelical! For this episode, Pastor Danny shares a special message on the 23rd Psalm.

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Chris Williams