What If?

What If?

You may be in the valley of discouragement even as you
read this devotion. It is no accident that you are reading it.

What If?

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

(2 Timothy 4:7)

Matthew West is a contemporary Christian artist. I have heard his testimony and watched him in concert. He has a powerful story of how God preserved his voice and empowered him to do what he is doing today, which is impacting millions with his powerful lyrics and stirring melodies. A few years ago, it appeared that he may lose his ability to sing, but after successful surgery, his voice is stronger than ever.

I love stories like West's. We all go through severe trials of difficulty where our faith is tested to the core. But when we wait on God and let Him have His perfect will in our lives, something miraculous happens. Our test becomes a vital part of our testimony, our mess is transformed into a redeeming message, and our setbacks turn out to be setups for the great things God had planned for us along.

You may be in the valley of discouragement even as you read this devotion. It is no accident that you are reading it. God has orchestrated events in your life so you could read these words from Scripture, my devotional thoughts, and this powerful message in song from Matthew West.

Take a moment and read through some of the lyrics I have posted below, and then click on the link to watch and listen to this song by Matthew West in its entirety. You will be blessed and encouraged!
My biggest fear is waking up to find what matters
Is miles away from what I spent my life chasing after
Is my story gonna have the same two words in every chapter?
What if, what if
But last I checked this heart inside my chest
Is still beating
Well I guess it's not too late
What if today's the only day I got?
I don't wanna waste it if it's my last shot
No regrets, in the end
I wanna know I got no 'what ifs'
I'm running till the road runs out
I'm lighting it up right here right now
No regrets, in the end
I wanna know I got no 'what ifs', yeah

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Podcast of the Week

Readings and Homilies in Romans, Pt. 14

Pastor Danny continues his series reading through the book of Romans one chapter at a time and afterwards offering a homily. In this episode, he reads and comments on Romans Chapter 14.

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Chris Williams