Press On

Press On

I have been a part of the Southern Baptist Convention all my life. Our denomination is imperfect, but today I will share why I remain a part of it and my optimism for it in the near future.

Press On

"Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me."

(Philippians 3:12)

I have been a part of the Southern Baptist Convention all my life, and then some. While my mom was pregnant with me for nine months, she carried me to an SBC church. I know that our denomination is imperfect, just like every individual Christian, particular church, and denomination of churches. We are all in process and have certainly not arrived. I have remained in the SBC because of the continued focus on the Bible as the Word of God and the commitment to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Personally, I would like for us to change our name from the SBC to Great Commission Baptists (GCB).

Last month, Ashley and I attended the annual meeting of the SBC. It was in Nashville, TN, and we were messengers for GHBC, where I serve as pastor. Overall, it was a great meeting. I enjoyed the fellowship, worship, preaching, and hearing reports and updates on various ministries of the SBC. We elected a new president in Ed Litton, a friend of mine and a very good man. Ed is not perfect; again, no one is but Jesus. Ed and his wife Kathy have both experienced heartache of the most severe kind. Both Ed and Kathy's first spouses died in automobile accidents. I knew Kathy's first husband, Rick Ferguson. He was one of the finest and most godly pastors you could meet. God, in His grace and sovereignty, led Ed and Kathy together to be husband and wife. His job as president of our convention is incredibly stressful and difficult. Baptists have a reputation of fussing over the drop of a hat, and with 47,000 churches and that many Baptists, there will be some fussing.

One of the highlights of the meeting in Nashville was the Vision 2025, given by the President of SBC Executive Committee, Ronnie Floyd. Dr. Floyd is one of the godliest men and greatest leaders that I know. Here is his 6-point vision statement for the SBC from the Executive Committee:
  1. Send 500 more missionaries overseas.
  2. Add 5,000 more congregations across North America.
  3. Call out the called. (Meaning, encourage those in our churches whom God is calling to vocational ministry to surrender to that call.)
  4. Baptize more children and teenagers under the age of 18.
  5. Increase giving through the Cooperative Program.
  6. Eliminate all incidents of racism and sexual abuse in our churches.
I hope we as Great Commission Baptists will realize our utter dependence on Jesus and do as Paul said: press on to do all that God has called us to do. His mandate to us and all the Church of God is to make disciples.

Are you pressing forward? The past is gone, so let us lean into everything Jesus has for us to do for Him. Start today!

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Podcast of the Week

Dad Life, Pt. 2

Continuing where we left off last week, Pastor Danny interviews four more godly dads about what it's like being a dad and a husband and trying to raise godly kids in our crazy world. They share powerful testimonies about how God has worked in their lives and their families' lives.

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Matthew Hall