Beautiful Sunsets

Beautiful Sunsets

Next time you see a sunset, take a minute to ponder it and God's creativity.
Every sunset is different, just like every human being God created.

Beautiful Sunsets

"The LORD, the Mighty One, is God,
and he has spoken;
he has summoned all humanity
from where the sun rises to where it sets."

(Psalm 50:1)

One of the things Ashley and I enjoy about our new home is seeing the beautiful sunsets from our back patio and our bedroom. Tonight, as I was getting ready to type this devotional, there appeared a sunset that was so unique. Of course, every sunset is different; no two sunsets are ever the same. But this one was interesting. I took some pictures to show you, but they did not do it justice. This sunset had no sun, by that I mean you could tell it was in the sky but could not see it directly. A cloud was blocking our view of the sun, but the outline of the cloud was lit up with a bright white. It was stunning to see.

Our great God, who created the sun, is like that at times. He is always there, even  though we may not be able to see Him clearly. We can always know He is present, even though we only catch a glimpse of the outline of His power. I needed this gentle reminder of the goodness, faithfulness, power, and presence of God.

Loren Garofalo is a sweet friend to our family. No matter the challenges she is facing, she always finds the positive and encourages others. She and her husband, Rich, have a beautiful home in what she calls paradise: Gulf Shores, Alabama. Many evenings she will drive out to a point overlooking Mobile Bay and take pictures of the sunsets. Each one is unique and beautiful.

Next time you see a sunset, take a minute to ponder on these "sunset messages", as I call them: every sunset is different, just like every human being God created.
  1. You are unique. There is no one like you, no one who has your DNA or your fingerprint.
  2. At times you may not be able to see God clearly or understand what He is up to, but rest assured, He is there, and He's got the whole world, including you, in His hands.
  3. Things change, but God stays the same. He is faithful and consistent, even when others are not.
In the time I have been writing today's devotional, the sky looks totally different than it did when I started writing. The sun has set, but there is this beautiful stretch of clouds in the Texas western sky with this orange and blue hue that is stunning.

God is amazing. I love Him. I am grateful for who He is and how awesome He is. Take a moment and join me in praising our great Creator God.

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Readings and Homilies in Romans, Pt. 8.2

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Matthew Hall