The Gospel > Racism, Pt. 2

The Gospel > Racism, Pt. 2

Our nation has desperately lost its way, but before I look at the
courthouse or the White House, I first look to the church house.

The Gospel > Racism, Pt. 2

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

(Romans 12:21)

The reactions of some folks to the racism and injustice perpetrated by those in authority have been to loot, riot, and punish all police. Our mayor here in Austin is pushing for a 25% reduction in pay for all police. I am wondering how exactly that is supposed to help oppose systemic racism. Why punish all police officers for the sins of a few? Undoubtedly, Derek Chauvin placing his knee on George Floyd's neck for almost nine minutes was egregiously wrong and constitutes murder. But to group all law enforcement into one category as evildoers deserving of punishment is both wrong and unwise.

Unfortunately, this is nothing new. Our nation has seen many knee-jerk reactions, fueled by mob mentality, which place people in a group and punish the whole group. This happened again recently in a decision of the Birmingham School Board of Education in Alabama. They voted to close off two public high schools to the Church of the Highlands because the pastor, Chris Hodges, liked tweets by President Trump and agreed that China is to blame for the spread of COVID-19. I can only shake my head and ask, what happened to freedom of speech, and moreover, what happened to common sense? Even if Pastor Hodges is mistaken in his views, why would the board punish the entire church, and furthermore, take away multiple ministries to the community that the church provides? Again, have we lost our minds in this nation?

We have indeed lost our way, but before I look at the courthouse or the White House, I first look to the church house. Most pulpits that were once aflame with pastors preaching the whole counsel of God have traded in biblical preaching for a more palatable self-help teaching that feels good but offers no heart-change. We have exchanged the pure milk of the Word of God for ephemeral growth and success. Making disciples like Jesus did has been replaced in way too many churches (one would be too many) with an Americanized prosperity gospel that has no power to save a soul, much less help a bruised and fallen nation.

What is our hope? Our only hope is Jesus and His Good News. Romans 1:16 says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek."

I think we are ripe for one of two things: either revival and spiritual awakening, or God's righteous hand of judgment upon our land. I earnestly pray for the former.

We need Jesus; our churches, our homes, our nation--we all need Jesus to redeem, rescue, and send the fire of the Holy Spirit to come and reign in our hearts. We need men and women of strong spiritual vitality who fear only God and not man, who will stand for righteousness and for the hurting and those seeking justice. Help us, oh Lord, we pray.

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Podcast of the Week

The Gospel > Racism

In light of current events, Pastor Danny takes this episode to discuss how the Gospel is unequivocally opposed to racism and unites people of every tongue, nation, and ethnicity under the Lordship of Christ.
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Matthew Hall