How to Live a Life of Enthusiasm

How to Live a Life of Enthusiasm

Enthusiastic people are blessed and are a blessing to others. You can become
enthusiastic, even if you are not right now. If God is in you, you will!

How to Live a Life of Enthusiasm

"For I know how eager you are to help . . . In fact, it was your enthusiasm that stirred up many of the Macedonian believers to begin giving."

(2 Corinthians 9:2)

First, I want to wish my wife, Ashley Forshee, a very blessed and happy birthday. I love you, Dear!

Enthusiastic people are blessed, and they are a blessing to others. My prayer for you today is that you would be like the churches Paul references in our biblical text for today. Those churches in Greece were so enthusiastic that they stirred up others to do the right thing. If you need a boost in your enthusiasm, then read the following 5 Principles on Enthusiasm that I have written. I hope you are encouraged, blessed, and most of all, enthused!
  1. You can become enthusiastic. No one should say, "Well, I am not, nor ever could I be, enthusiastic." The first part may be true, but the last part never has to be true. If God is in you, as the word implies, then you cannot help but be enthusiastic and full of life. There are so many blessings that flow to you when you are positive, enthusiastic, and optimistic. Maybe one major takeaway from this week's devotions is that you make the decision to be enthusiastic, literally "in God". You decide today that you will abide in the Lord and allow Him to fill you and bless you and cause you to overflow in the lives of others.
  2. Enthusiastic people are influencers. Now, this can be used for good or bad, but those who motivate and inspire others are those who believe 100% in what they are doing, and it is contagious. Bible teacher Beth Moore says with enthusiasm that the minute she has a helpful thought, she cannot wait to get on the world's largest conference call and tell as many people as she can. Negative people who see the worst in themselves and others are not filled with enthusiasm, and it shows. They have little impact because no one wants the negativity and gloom they are exporting. People of influence (those you want to be around and learn from) are by and large people of enthusiasm. I think of my friend, Jay Strack, president of Student Leadership University. He is a delight and simply a party waiting to happen. I see him every year in Orlando at a golf retreat he hosts for pastors. We have so much fun, and Jay is the reason. A few years ago, he invited me to go with him and some pastors to Peru with the ministry, Compassion International. We had a fabulous time and got to see Machu Pichu. Wow! What a beautiful sight to behold! Walking along the tour of this new-world wonder, Jay just spoke life into me and told me how I had encouraged him. It really blessed me.
  3. Don't empower people to drain you of your enthusiasm. There are some who, when they enter the room, light it up, and there are others who light it up by leaving. Be like the former and be a person of encouragement. Norman Vincent Peale said, "But often we find ourselves in an environment where our enthusiasm gets siphoned off. For example, if you are constantly in the company of negative people, you will take on a negative aspect of mind; your mental reactions to people and events will be negative. Which is why you have to practice enthusiasm. You do that by thinking it, by believing it, by praying it, by talking it, until enthusiasm becomes part of your better nature. You must give yourself to your faith with "wholehearted devotion" (2 Kings 20:3). And enthusiasm can be just as contagious as negativity!" (Source.) Remember what Ziglar said; I'll paraphrase: If someone is determined to be gloomy, try and lift them up, but don't labor too long if they are not willing to change.
  4. Associate with enthusiastic people. Hang out with them, learn from them. One of the people I want to meet is Andy Andrews; I love his optimism and his enthusiasm for life and helping people. In his writings, his speeches, and in his podcasts, you can feel his enthusiastic approach to life. Another person I enjoy being around and who is very positive and enthusiastic is Dr. Bob Meyer, the best chiropractor in the city of Austin, in my opinion. He is passionate about helping people regain their athletic abilities and get back in their races or other physical exercises they enjoy. He treats some very well-known people, like Dennis Quaid, Governor Rick Perry, and Super Bowl-winning quarterback Nick Foles, just to name a few. But he is humble and treats you and me the same as he treats famous people. You can go see him and be injured or experiencing an ailment, and Dr. Bob, by his knowledge and sheer personality, lifts you up and encourages you.
  5. Expand your enthusiastic horizons. The two best things I could share with you to help you grow in enthusiasm are: A. Spend time with Jesus every day in prayer, and B. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you every morning. Associating with positive people, reading about the lives of enthusiastic people, training your thoughts to keep out the negative and meditate on the good things Paul describes in Philippians 4:8--these are important and helpful, but the best way to be more "in God" (enthusiastic) and allow Him to be in you is to spend time with Him daily and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His fruit, as detailed in Galatians 5:22-23.
Before I close out this week's devotions, let me say again, thank you for your prayers and for the financial support you give to DFEA. We are all blessed to be a blessing, and I appreciate you so much!
Podcast of the Week

10 Principles for Effective Living: Enthusiasm

Pastor Danny focuses this episode on the principle of Enthusiasm, discussing the interesting linguistic roots of the word, how this characteristic benefits those who have it and everyone around them, and some inspiring examples of enthusiastic people.
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Matthew Hall