Elohim: Creator God

Elohim: Creator God

God made the heavens and the earth, and He made you. He created us in His
image and desires to live with us forever. He wishes none of His creation to perish.

Elohim: Creator God

". . . made the earth."

(Proverbs 8:26)

God made the heavens and the earth, and He made you. No more of this nonsense that you and I started out as goo then evolved to the zoo and then to you! God created us in His image and desires to live with us forever. He has provided the way to go to heaven and wishes not for any of His creation to perish but to have eternal life (John 3:16).

I know others see things very differently. Many believe we are the result of an impersonal, random force called macro-evolution. This life is only a chance occurrence with no God and no eternity. Somehow, they believe that unintelligence can produce intelligence, that given enough chance happenings, evolution gets it all right: the beauty of our world, the universe, and the human body, with all its billions of cells and intricacies. Neurosurgeon Ben Carson says our human brain alone has "fourteen billion cells and was created".

One of the greatest arguments against atheism is the moral argument for God's existence. The reality of right and wrong could only be produced by a moral, ethical being, and that is God. How does evolution produce universal "oughtness" or conscience, the sense we all have that there is right and wrong, and we should avoid the wrong and embrace the right? Again, it is impossible for non-life to produce life and for unintelligence to produce intelligence of any sort, let alone Albert Einstein or Steve Jobs. To insist that a tornado swept through a junkyard and produced a functional 737 jumbo jet would be ridiculous, and no one would believe it. Yet many today believe something far more outlandish and impossible than this.

I love Proverbs 8; I call it "the wisdom chapter". In it, Solomon expounds upon wisdom and how even before God made the earth, this attribute of wisdom (God's wisdom) was on display.

There is indeed a God, and He created you, loves you, and has revealed Himself to you and all but shouted audibly from the heavens, "I love you and want to spend eternity with you!" Through the intricate design of our planet and universe, through our inner being and consciousness, through our universal sense of "oughtness" or conscience, through the history of ancient Israel and the church today, could God make it any more clear that He exists and loves us as His highest creation? We have to make the choice to love Him back. though. He did not make us robots but human beings with free will to decide for Him or against Him.

As author and speaker Priscilla Shirer recently wrote, everyone will eventually bow before God. Bowing before Elohim is the right and proper thing to do. In worshiping God, we give Him praise and fulfill our purpose on earth. Will you worship and bow before Him now?
Podcast of the Week

10 Principles for Effective Living: Perseverance

Pastor Danny focuses this episode on the principle of Perseverance, delving into the stories of many inspiring historical figures who remained steadfast in the face of severe adversity.
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Matthew Hall