"But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life."
(Jude 20-21)
I listened to Jo Saxton recently on the Carey Nieuwhof podcast, which I highly recommend for all leaders. Jo is a follower of Jesus who is from Nigeria, lives in England, and has the coolest accent ever. She is a highly sought-after speaker and is truly inspiring. She said we all need roots and wings in our life. Roots are those who ground us, teach us, and hold us accountable; they bless us, keep us grounded, and are an indispensable part of our lives who, by their very presence, words, and actions, always breathe life into us. Thank God for the "roots" He has given us. Wings are those who lift us up, mentor us, and sponsor us so we can succeed in our callings. We all need these roots and wings in our lives, and we need to be roots and wings in the lives of others. Think how amazing life would be if we all sought the very best in and for others.
When I listened to Jo Saxton speaking, unfortunately, I thought about how often we run into those who are more like wasps and sting us. (Negative, I know, but so true.) We allow their toxic venom to sideline us from the great work God has for all His children to be His witnesses and salt and light in our world. Gary Jones and I were riding our bikes together a couple weeks back when out of nowhere, Gary got stung five times by some wasps. We immediately stopped riding and pulled over. It took a few minutes for Gary to get over the pain and begin riding again. Ever feel that way? You're just cruising along in your life and bam, out of nowhere, someone drops a verbal bombshell on you, or like a wasp, they sting you with their words. May we be roots and wings without stings! Hebrews 3:13 says, "But exhort one another daily, while it is called 'Today,' lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin."
Jude teaches us that we are to build up (not tear down) our holy faith. We are built up when we spend time alone with God in Scripture-reading and prayer. We also are built up when we worship the Lord with His people in church. I encourage you to also allow other followers of Jesus who seek your spiritual well-being to encourage you by their positive actions and kind words.
Who do you know that could use some building up? Maybe there is a person God is placing on your heart right now that He wants you to reach out to and lift up. Let them know you are praying for them. Send a text. Write a note. Make a phone call.
Remember: roots and wings, but no stings!