First Things First, Pt. 2

First Things First, Pt. 2

Just as following Jesus precedes fishing for men, abiding precedes producing.
As we abide in constant fellowship with our Lord, we will bear much fruit.

First Things First, Pt. 2

"But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh."

(Jude 20-21)
While on sabbatical, God led me to Jude 20-24, a text I have read but never studied or taught. It ties closely to what Jesus said in Matthew 4:19, and I think holds the vital key to our effective and consistent witness for our Lord.   
Just as following Jesus precedes fishing for men, abiding precedes producing. Using the analogy and teaching of Jesus in John 15, as we abide and remain in constant fellowship with our Lord, as the branch abides in the vine, we will bear much fruit. The luscious grapes dangling at the end of the branch is only made possible because the branch is securely fastened to the vine.
Jude helps us greatly by giving us tangible ways we can grow deeper in the Lord so that we will be spiritually mature and prepared to lead others to Christ. Verses 20-21 teach us how we can be built up so that we can do the work of evangelism spoken about in verses 22-23.  When you are built up, then you will show up and speak up.
The primary command is in verse 20: "Keep yourselves in the love of God."  Interesting that in verse 1 of Jude's letter, we read that we are being kept by the love of God. One writer explains what it means to keep ourselves in God's love: "A believer is nurtured as he is occupied with God's love for him and is in fellowship with Him (cf. John 15:9-10, 'remain in My love')." (Pentecost, E. C. (1985). Jude. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 923). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
There is one imperative verb in today's scriptural text with 3 imperative participles that modify or explain how we are to keep ourselves in the love of God.  Then, as we are walking with God, as Jude prescribes in verses 20-21, we will be bold witnesses for Christ, as described in verses 22-23. Next week, in Monday's devotional, we will explore further this amazing passage of Scripture.

I will close today's devotional with a story of how God is still working on me and growing me so that I can be an effective and consistent witness for Him. I have not arrived! I still have a way to go, but praise God for His amazing grace and steadfast patience with me!

Last week, I went to the dentist because of some pain in one of my teeth. Whenever I chew with this one tooth and the food hits it in a certain way, it lights me up with pain. The dentist took x-rays, and well, he had some bad news for me. I have a fractured root in tooth #14. The only remedy for this is dental implant surgery where the endodontist implants a small titanium rod to repair the damaged root. Does that sound like fun or what?!

I was pretty bummed about the news and immediately left and set up an appointment with the specialist. I then went to the gym to work out, and it dawned on me that I had not witnessed to the dental hygienist who was helping me. (The dentist is a close friend of mine and a believer, by the way.) So, I called the dental practice from the gym and asked to speak to the hygienist. She was with a patient, but a few minutes later, she returned my call. I shared with her that I always try to invite people to our church and at least pray for new people I meet, and I did neither with her, so I apologized. She then shared a heartfelt prayer request with me, and I prayed for her right there on the spot over the phone as she was at work and I was at the gym.

God is so good to us. I want to be in such close fellowship with the Lord that whenever the opportunity presents itself to witness, no matter what I am personally going through, I take advantage of that opportunity like Alicia did after her car wreck (the story from yesterday's devotion).

Have a blessed weekend!

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Living with the End in Mind

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Matthew Hall