Standing for Life

Standing for Life

My wife, Ashley, and I, along with our church family at Great Hills Baptist
Church, are blessed to champion the lives of the unborn. Will you join us?

Standing for Life

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;
ensure justice for those being crushed.
Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless,
and see that they get justice."

(Proverbs 31:8-9)

My wife, Ashley, and I, along with our church family at Great Hills Baptist Church, are blessed to champion the lives of the unborn. We have spoken, debated, attended March for Life Rallies and fundraising events, and prayed outside abortion clinics. Today, many of us are participating in the 40 Days for Life: Praying for the Unborn, sponsored by the Central Texas Coalition for Life. This is a peaceful prayer vigil taking place outside the Whole Woman's Health clinic, an abortion facility located near our church.

I know you and I cannot do everything, but all of us can do something. We must speak up for the defenseless and do all we can to make sure babies are protected and given the opportunity to live. I do not want to stand before God having lived in post-Roe v. Wade America and tell God I did nothing and gave nothing to help the most helpless of us all: unborn children in the wombs of their mothers.

It has been said that you can learn much from a person by how well they treat those who could never repay them. Ashley and I have tried to develop this quality of life where we help people not expecting anything in return. I must admit (and it is my problem, and I will get over it) that it bothers me when someone asks for help, and after I help them, they never say "thank you". But how often do I do that to God and others? Ouch. I know I do, but I am trying to do better, to live in a constant state of gratitude. Our daughter, Hannah Samplaski, teaches me how to do this well. She is probably the most thankful person I have ever met, and what a wonderful quality it is.

Has God given you a burden for the helpless, those who are crushed and in need of justice? If so, then let me encourage you to step out in faith and courage and make a difference. You may think it is only a small gesture, but to the person you help, it could mean the world to them. Go for it!

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Matthew Hall