"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."
(Matthew 7:7-8)
Ready for another inspiring quote? Here is the last one for the week:
Quote 5: "The answers are at the altar." (Tom Ogunleye)
I love Tom and Funmi Ogunleye. They are some of the finest people on the planet. They love Jesus passionately and are such a blessing to everyone they meet. They are active members of Great Hills Baptist Church in Austin, TX. Tom has a PhD in medical physics and Funmi runs their home healthcare business. They are originally from Nigeria, and I must say, to hear Tom pray aloud to our Lord is always a blessing.
Recently our church held a day of prayer and fasting, and we gathered at the worship center at noon to pray especially for revival and spiritual awakening for our land. The last person to pray was Tom, and his prayer was so powerful. I love how Tom praises the Lord first and then brings his petitions. During his prayer he said these words: "For the answers are at the altar." So true. Our answers, hope, and provisions can be found at the altar, the sacred place where the children of God do what Jesus instructed us to do: ask.
Elisha Hoffman would agree with Dr. Ogunleye. Elisha was born in Pennsylvania in 1839 and died 90 years later in 1929. His father, Francis Hoffman, was a pastor who preached over sixty years in the Evangelical Association. The parents and children would meet every morning and evening and have family worship and it was during these times of worship in the home where Elisha developed his love and talent for musical composition. He had no formal education in music but went on to become one of the most prolific composers of sacred music with 2,000 titles accredited to him. Elisha was not only a hymn writer but also a local pastor. He served the First Presbyterian Church in Benton Harbor, Michigan. When he was not in his study working on a new sermon or hymn, he could be found in the community ministering especially to the poor. While on one of these visits to the house of a poor woman, he told her, "You must tell Jesus your sorrows," and from that encounter, he wrote the hymn, "I Must Tell Jesus". He also wrote other popular hymns like, "Are you Washed in the Blood?" and "Glory to His Name".
Child of God, be blessed with these timeless lyrics from Elisha Hoffman, and find your answers at the altar.
I must tell Jesus
All of my trials
I cannot bear these burdens alone
In my distress
He kindly will help me
He ever cares and loves His own
I must tell Jesus
All of my troubles
He's a kind and compassionate friend
If I but ask Him
He will deliver
Make of my troubles
Quickly an end
I must tell Jesus
I must tell Jesus
I cannot bear these burdens alone
I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus
Jesus can help me, Jesus alone