Recent Quotes to Inspire You, Pt. 3

Recent Quotes to Inspire You, Pt. 3

"It is amazing when God opens doors how quickly
and easily everything falls into place." (Sara Noland)

Recent Quotes to Inspire You, Pt. 3

"What He opens, no one can close; and what He closes, no one can open."

(Revelation 3:7)

This week, I am sharing with you some quotes I have heard recently that have blessed and motivated me. I hope that they do the same for you.

Ready for another inspiring quote? Here it is:

Quote 3: "It is amazing when God opens doors how quickly and easily everything falls into place." (Sara Noland)

Sara and her husband David are members of our church here in Austin, TX, Great Hills Baptist Church. They recently moved to Fort Worth to enroll at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I am so proud of them for following God's call on their lives. Very frequently I have seen that the call of God on someone's life for vocational ministry involves the call to prepare… and that is what the Nolands will do. David will study and get his degree, and I know that he and Sara will do great things for the Lord.

Her quote is taken from a recent Facebook post. With her permission, I will share with you the quote in context.
David and I will be relocating to Ft. Worth in one month to attend Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. His classes for his 2nd Masters (with emphasis on the mission's field) will begin in January. I have already started classes remotely for Partners in Ministry. This is definitely a new chapter in our book. One that has been in the background for far too long. We are so humbled and blessed to be able to attend this wonderful school and take this journey. It is amazing when God opens doors how quickly and easily everything falls into place. [Emphasis mine.]

The B.H. Carroll Memorial Building is the first building you see when you drive onto the campus. Benajay Harvey Carroll, the founder of Southwestern, was the son of a preacher, but as a young adult, Carroll rejected Christianity. His bitterness toward the church — and God — grew after his first marriage ended in divorce due to his wife's infidelity. He volunteered for the riskiest missions available in the Confederate army, and he publicly refuted the chaplains' sermons. "He preached against God in the Confederate army camps and attracted larger crowds than the chaplains."

After suffering severe wounds in battle at Mansfield, Louisiana, he needed help with his wounds, and his mother said she would help if he would attend the Methodist camp meetings that were being held. Due to the sermon he heard and his reading of a copy of Pilgrim's Progress his mother gave him, Carroll converted to Christianity in the fall 1865 and felt God's call to preach.

Southwestern has been training and equipping people for evangelism and missions for almost 112 years. It is amazing to see and hear about the wonderful things that God has done through this Seminary and how He used a man that at one time in his life went out of his way to reject Him. (Carroll's story reminds me a little of Paul. From unlikely beginnings to the wonderful sold-out believer that continues to touch more lives than can possibly be counted more than the stars in the heavens or the sand on the beach).

"Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God." - William Carey
Thank you, Sara. I am so proud of you and David! You will do great things!

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Catherine Renfro of the NAMB on Evangelism

Danny welcomes to the show Catherine Renfro from the North American Mission Board to share her story and her approach to sharing the Gospel with the lost.
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Matthew Hall