Lessons Learned: They Can Spot A Phony

Lessons Learned: They Can Spot A Phony

If you want to understand the culture of younger people these days, then
you must keep up with YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and more. It's exhausting!

Lessons Learned: They Can Spot A Phony

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church.
- Pastor Danny
"Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor."

(Romans 12:9-10, ESV)

The word "culture" gets thrown around so much nowadays. In my circles, this word "culture" means the "in-factor" or the "cool-factor". If you want to understand the culture of younger people these days, then you must keep up with YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram (not really Facebook or Twitter), as well as what popular items are currently available on StockX. Now, if you don't know what half those things are, I can't blame you! The ever-changing culture of J-High and High School students can be exhausting to keep up with!

Instead of trying to make myself look relevant and "hip" with all of the cool new things students are involved with these days, I choose to not be phony. For one thing, just typing out all that stuff hurt my brain. Second, J-High students have a keen sense for phoniness. They can spot a fake a mile away. They do not need me trying to talk to them about what's "in" or what's "cool." What they need from me, and what people around you need from you, is for your love to be genuine.

I love what Paul says to the church in Rome. If you skipped over the verses at the top of this devotion, take a second to read it over slowly. How does Paul encourage the believers to live amongst one another? He encourages Christians to show the type of behavior he describes to fellow Christians. The students that I serve week after week need genuine love from me. They need brotherly love. They need me to show them honor. They do not need a hip, cool, "cultured" youth pastor.

Now, how does this apply to you? Let's get really practical today! As you read Romans 12:9-10, think of a person in your life who shows you genuine love and is not fake or phony but genuine. Think of someone who also hates evil, holds fast to what is good, and loves others with brotherly affection.

For me, this person is my brother, Leighton. He exemplifies all the attributes of Romans 12:9-10, and he encourages me to live them out myself.

Take a moment today to call or text someone who exemplifies Romans 12:9-10 to you.

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Podcast of the Week

Blessing Children Through Reading

Danny welcomes to the show Amy Hagen and Joe Bland from the ministry, Education Connection, to discuss how they bless and minister to children by taking the time to read to them and help them with literacy.
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Matthew Hall