Friendship, Pt. 4

Friendship, Pt. 4

Do you have loud friends? I never really thought about how loud
we Americans are until I traveled overseas and was told as much.

Friendship, Pt. 4

"He who blesses his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning,
It will be counted a curse to him."

(Proverbs 27:14)

Solomon writes about friends six times in Proverbs chapter 27. Our verse for today's devotion actually makes me laugh. Do you have loud friends? I never really thought about how loud we Americans are until I traveled overseas and was told as much. While in the country of Belarus, our mission team was in the van when the missionary rather bluntly told us, "You guys are so loud." He went on to explain that most Americans are very loud. And you know what? He's right. I'm not sure why this is the case, but it is true.

I also chuckle when I think about the loud friend rising early in the morning. Are you a morning person? Most people are not. I do a lot better once I have had my morning coffee, but first thing out of bed, I am pretty quiet and need a little time to wake up. I actually know of a few people who wake up, immediately smile, bounce out of bed, and are overjoyed for another day to live. Good for them!

Note that Solomon describes a loud friend who rises early in the morning. I believe this friend has good intentions. Solomon says, "he blesses his friend." His motives are pure, but in his excitement, he comes across way too boisterous and happy. Do you know people like that? Are you like that? It is much better to have a friend who rises early and blesses you than to have one with a loud voice who curses you.

The friend described in our text reminds me of those friends who get inside your bubble when they talk to you. Do you know what I'm talking about? These friends do not realize that they are in your space, and even when you distance yourself, they move in closer! I am not trying to be funny, but I am laughing as I type this!

Maybe God allows us to have friends like these to sanctify us. If you have a friend who genuinely loves you yet really gets on your nerves, then hey, chill out. If you are good friends, then you should be able to say something like, "Hey, you know I love you, but you have got to tone it down at 6:00AM, at least until l get my coffee," or, "You know I love you, but you are way too close in my personal space. Please take a step back." (The theme here is that you will do better with sugar than vinegar; lead by making sure they know you love them and aren't trying to hurt them.)

How boring life would be without different and interesting friends. We should thank God for all the friendships He allows us to have. Yes, we should also thank Him for those boisterous friends who are morning people!

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Matthew Hall