"Ointment and perfume delight the heart, and the sweetness
of a man's friend gives delight by hearty counsel."
(Proverbs 27:9)
This week we are looking into the topic of friendship. I did not realize how much Proverbs 27 had to say about friends. A true friend is someone who has our best interests at heart. They will tell you the very thing you do not wish to hear because they love you too much to see you get hurt in the long run. I got a message just today about a dear friend of mine who is having a tough time with his teenage son. Has anyone else ever been there?! This husband and his wife love Jesus and want only the best for their son; however, they know he is making some poor decisions.
This brings up a question: as a parent, are we our children's friends? That is an interesting question. I think we can actually be both a parent and a friend. Now, early on, they need us more as a parent, no doubt. If we are only concerned about our children liking us or thinking we are cool, then we are headed for trouble. Love and respect supersede approval and coolness when it comes to your children as they are growing up in your house. Having said that, some of my closest friends in the world are--brace yourselves--my kids! Each one is currently in their 20s, loves Jesus, and walks with God. I love and respect them so very much. I value their input and friendship. True, I will always be dad to them, but I genuinely like the people they have turned out to be. (Most of the credit for parenting goes to my wife!)
Solomon, the wise king of Israel, compared a sweet friend to ointment and perfume. These valued commodities bring delight and joy to the heart. Likewise, true friends bless and encourage us with their hearty counsel. A sweet friend, a true friend who loves you, will not only tell you important truths you do not want to hear but will also tell you things you do want to hear. They will bless you and build you up. They will give you hearty counsel. They listen well, because in order to give a right answer, you have to understand what the other person is going through. Proverbs 24:26 says, "He who gives a right answer kisses the lips." Solomon here compares good counsel to something pleasant.
Do you have friends like this? These are people who listen to you and then speak truth, and as a result you are greatly blessed. If not, then let me encourage you to start by being that kind of friend to others. God will bless you and bring friends into your life. Proverbs 18:24 says, "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
Perhaps there is a friend of yours who could use some sweet words from you right now, a friend needing some hearty counsel. Give them a call and let them know you are thinking of them.