A Good Word

A Good Word

Are you up for some comfort and edification today?

A Good Word

"Therefore comfort each other and edify one another,
just as you also are doing."

(1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Are you up for some comfort and edification today? First, let us talk about comfort. In our biblical text for today, Paul uses the Greek word parakaleo, which means to call alongside, to exhort, and to comfort. It can allude to admonishment. I have yet to meet anyone who would say, "No, I'm good; I don't need any encouragement today." All of us need to be built up and edified, and might I add, challenged. Even Christians? I would say especially Christians.

Have you noticed that the vast majority of Christian contemporary music is targeted toward helping followers of Christ? Why is that? I believe it is because every day is a battle to live for God. We have an enemy that hates us and would like nothing more than to trip us up in our walk with God, harm our testimony, and moreover, hurt the cause of Christ in this world. When Satan succeeds at his diabolical mission, an unbelieving world cries out, "Hypocrite!"

Can I admonish you and spur you on to walk with God? We are in a spiritual battle. I believe there is an ongoing battle for the very soul of our nation. There are those who are committed to leading our country to a place of unmitigated chaos and anarchy. Deep down, they hate our nation and the moral foundations upon which it is built. Now is not the time for children of God to compromisingly coast along in their spirituality. We need now more than ever bold, courageous men and women of God who fear God, stand strong, and not cower in the face of temptation. Unfortunately, at a time when the people of God need to be the strongest, we are at our weakest. The Bible has become the most neglected Book in the Church. Most sermons in evangelical churches make only passing references to the Bible and are focused on "practical" teachings about how to make your life happier and more successful. It has led us to become an anemic Church unfit for the battle that has come upon us. Unfortunately, almost 70% of men in the US confess to looking at pornography over any given week. I was stunned when I first heard this statistic. I knew it was high, but 70% of all men, seriously? Even Christians? Tragically, yes. By the way, the fastest growing demographic of porn viewers are young women. That is so sad. It is the world in which we live, but I refuse to just chalk it up as a sign of the times and carry on with my life unaffected.

What about the second command Paul gives in our biblical text for today? Edify. Interestingly, this is the Greek work oikodomeo (oikos means house). The idea here is we are to build up, not tear down one another. What a wonderful sight to behold when a child of God is walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, bearing witness for Christ, and manifesting the fruit of the Spirit. I want to encourage you to be that person, the one who is soaring not sliding backwards in your walk with God. So much is at stake. We need you. We need each other, so let us comfort each other by caring enough to speak the truth, and let us edify each other and help construct a solid spiritual house that withstands the howling winds of temptation.

Come on, follower of Jesus, let's do this! Let's honor the Lord and determine in our hearts right here and now that we are quitting a life of compromise and beginning today to live in Christ, filled with the Spirit, giving our all for Him!

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Podcast of the Week

John Burke on NDEs & the Afterlife

To conclude our "What's After?" series, Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor John Burke of Austin's Gateway Church & author of "What's After Life?" & "Imagine Heaven". They discuss near-death experiences, heaven, hell, & how we should live our lives in light of our knowledge of the afterlife.
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Matthew Hall