Harvest Time

Harvest Time

Before sending His disciples out to preach one day, Jesus referenced the urgency
to reap a large harvest: many unbelievers were (and still are) ripe for believing.

Harvest Time

This week's devotions are written by Dr. Matt Queen, Associate Professor, L.R. Scarborough Chair of Evangelism, and Associate Dean of the Roy Fish School of Evangelism & Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
"But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'"

(Matthew 9:36-38, NKJV)
Jesus used agricultural language to represent spiritual truths on various occasions. Before sending His disciples out to preach one day (Matthew 10:5), our Lord referenced the urgency to reap a large harvest. In doing so, he likened this great harvest to weary people who needed to believe in Him (Matthew 9:36). Jesus described the "harvest" of unbelievers as "plentiful" (Matthew 9:37), indicating it was ripe and awaited reaping. In other words, Jesus told His disciples that numerous unbelievers stood prepared to believe in Him and to repent of their sins.

Laborers would be necessary in order to reap this spiritual harvest of people and free them from their weariness and distress (Matthew 9:36). Jesus instructed His disciples to pray that His Father, the Lord of the harvest, would send laborers to reap this harvest of souls (Matthew 9:38). Instead of prompting anxiety about the desperate situation among His disciples, He prescribed that they pray. Prayer-prompted harvesters would be necessary in order for the plenteous fields to be reaped.

Responsibility for harvesting the spiritually ripened harvest belongs to those of us who identify as believers of Jesus. Part of the responsibility we assume is that of praying for the enlistment of harvest laborers. However, earnest intercession to the Lord of the harvest requires more than prayer alone. No one will ever pray for evangelistic laborers without also realizing his or her own urgent evangelistic responsibility.

When you read the headlines and watch the news, do you worry because of the seeming decline of our society? Do you ever wonder if God is still working in the world? Be assured, He is still at work! In fact, there are people right now who are willing and ready to respond to Him if you and I will only talk to them about Jesus. Today will you pray for God to prompt Christians to share God's news of forgiveness and love through Jesus to others? If you do, keep in mind you may likely be the first Christian He will send into the harvest as a result of your prayers; but also be encouraged that you won't be alone. He will send out others.

Podcast of the Week

Interview with Dave Owen

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show his friend Dave Owen, Senior Associate Pastor at Providence Church in Raleigh, NC. Danny and Dave have been friends since their time as students together at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. They discuss their friendship, Dave's testimony, his experience with the world of professional golf, some of the great discipleship relationships he has built with folks in that world, and more!

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Matthew Hall