Not Alone

Not Alone

Have you ever found yourself hoping someone would help you share the good
news? Do you feel like all the pressure is on you when sharing the gospel?

Not Alone

This week's devotions are written by Dr. Matt Queen, Associate Professor, L.R. Scarborough Chair of Evangelism, and Associate Dean of the Roy Fish School of Evangelism & Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
"And when He has come, he will convict the world of sin,
and of righteousness, and of judgment."

(John 16:8, NKJV)

Have you ever found yourself hoping that someone would help you share the good news? Do you feel overwhelmed that all the pressure is on you when you tell someone else the gospel? Before Jesus died on the cross, He comforted his disciples by explaining He would send them divine assistance to help them tell the world about Himself.

Jesus told His disciples that He would ascend to heaven after His resurrection so the Holy Spirit could be with them (John 16:7) and empower them to tell others about Jesus. In explaining how the Holy Spirit would help them tell others about Jesus, He said, "And when He has come, he will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment" (John 16:8, NKJV). The word convict means "to bring to light," or "to expose."

First, the Holy Spirit helps us when we evangelize by convicting unbelievers of sin (John 16:9). Sin occurs when anyone acts in opposition to God, His will, or His Word. Here, Jesus explains that the Holy Spirit will convict people of their willful disobedience to God. Although each and every sin someone commits separates him from God, the sin of not believing in Jesus prevents someone from being reconciled to God.

Second, the Holy Spirit helps us when we evangelize by convicting unbelievers of righteousness (John 16:10). Righteousness is perfect obedience to God, His will, and His Word. Some people confuse goodness and righteousness. While we can do good things or be considered good by others, we do not always do the right thing. However, God is righteous and will do only the right thing; thus He is perfect and without sin.

Last, the Holy Spirit helps us when we evangelize by convicting unbelievers of judgment (John 16:11). Because the world has sinned, and only God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit are righteous, the world and its ruler must be judged. The ruler to whom Jesus refers is the devil, whose name is Satan. He opposes God, His will, and His Word. One day Satan, as well as those who follow him and reject Jesus, will be judged for their rebellion.

Isn't it good to know that we are not alone when we tell others about Jesus? In fact, God has sent His Holy Spirit ahead of us to prepare the people to hear the good news when we share it. Take a moment to thank God that His Holy Spirit is available to help you share the gospel with others, and ask Him to help you tell someone about Jesus today. You are not alone!

Podcast of the Week

Interview with Dave Owen

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show his friend Dave Owen, Senior Associate Pastor at Providence Church in Raleigh, NC. Danny and Dave have been friends since their time as students together at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. They discuss their friendship, Dave's testimony, his experience with the world of professional golf, some of the great discipleship relationships he has built with folks in that world, and more!

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Matthew Hall