MacBook & Me

MacBook & Me

I have left behind my MacBook on two occasions. Both times it gave me a
sense of utter panic. In Luke 15, Jesus tells three parables about lostness.

MacBook & Me

"Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of
the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

(Luke 15:10)

I have left behind my MacBook computer on two occasions. Both times it gave me a sense of panic because I have so much on this computer and rely on it heavily. The first time was in the airport in Frankfurt, Germany. We stopped over on our way to India, but when I passed through security, I left my computer on the conveyor belt. I did not realize what I had done until I sat down in my seat on the plane before we took off. To my utter dismay, I looked in my bag and it was not there! I told the airline stewardess that I had to get off the plane and go find my computer. She told me that was fine but they were closing the doors in about ten minutes and they would leave without me if I was not back on the plane in time. I had a decision to make, stay on the plane, or take a risk and go look for the computer. It was an easy decision for me, I took off running to the security area where I had left it. When I arrived, I asked those who worked there if they had seen a computer, and a gentleman told me that he had seen it and he had it. I took one look at the computer and was so delighted that it was mine! However, the man told me that I had to fill out this paperwork in order to receive the computer. Well, that was a problem because I only had a few minutes to get back to the plane. By God's grace and power, I filled out the form, sprinted back to the airplane, and they let me back on. I remember almost throwing up from sheer exhaustion!

The second time I left my MacBook computer was last week in the Dallas / Fort Worth area. After Ashley and I went on the Marcus and Joni Lamb show, we headed home later that evening. Since there was really bad traffic, we decided to spend the night in a hotel. After breakfast the next day, we departed for Austin. With Ashley driving, about 50 minutes down the road, I reached for my computer bag, and there was no computer in there! That same ol' feeling of panic came back over me. We turned around and drove back to the hotel, and fortunately, they had the computer at the front desk. Woohoo!

In Luke 15, Jesus tells three parables about lostness: a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son. After each one is found, there is great rejoicing. For the shepherd who lost the sheep, the lady who lost the coin, and the father who lost his son, well, the intensity was palpable. They would not rest until that which was lost had been found. That is how I felt when I lost my computer on both occasions; I simply could not rest until I had it back in my possession. I want to be like that when it comes to lost people who do not know God. I want to be passionate and intense until I have done all I can to help the lost come to know the Savior.

Pray with me today that God would burden our hearts for those who do not know Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with a sense of urgency so that you share Jesus with all those you meet.

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Matthew Hall