Dr. Ming Wang

Dr. Ming Wang

Today I want to share with you the inspiring story of a man
who underwent a radical journey and transformation.

Dr. Ming Wang

"But Jesus looked at them and said to them, 'With men
this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'"

(Matthew 19:26)

Dr. Ming Wang was 14 years old in 1974 during the Communist Revolution in China. All those with education were expelled from the cities and driven to remote places because the leadership wanted to keep the people suppressed. After the Revolution, Wang was able to finish high school and eventually attend medical school in China. He arrived in the USA with a student Visa at 21 years of age with $50.00 and an English/Chinese dictionary. He was an atheist but was drawn to intelligent design theory by the complexity and number of cells in the eye.

Wang had a professor at Harvard who took him to lunch, gave him a Bible, and challenged his atheism. He pointed to a car and asked Ming if he could see it. He said he did. Next, the professor asked, "What is the difference between that car and humankind?" Wang answered, "We are much more complex and intelligent." The professor then asked him, "Did the steel in that car just come together and form itself?" Wang responded, "Of course not!" Then the professor said, "Neither did your brain."
Wang eventually gave his life to Christ and ended up graduating from medical school in a joint program between Harvard and MIT. He has his own medical practice today in Nashville, TN, and is one of the best ophthalmologists in the world. Dr. Wang has performed over 55,000 eye surgeries, and 6,000 eye surgeons have come to him for their own surgeries. Dr. Wang has remained faithful to the Lord, and all the proceeds from his book, From Darkness to Sight, he gives away to help others.
I was introduced to Dr. Wang's life and practice by Marcus Lamb this past week and began researching his life. What a joy to see God save someone and then use that person's gifts and talents to further God's kingdom. (For more information on Dr. Ming Wang, you can watch an interview of him here: https://www.daystar.tv/videos/from-darkness-to-sight-dr-ming-wang-j1735)

After further research on Dr. Wang, I wrote today's devotion, and the verse that came to mind was this one from the Gospel of Matthew. For Dr. Wang to come to America as an atheist and eventually give his life to Christ and become a strong follower in Jesus Christ and one of the best eye surgeons in the world, well, you have to say this is a miracle. But that is just like God. He does what no one else can do. He is the God of miracles.

Do you feel like you are in a hopeless situation, or perhaps you know of a person or family who desperately needs a miracle? Jesus is still performing miracles, and He is awesome. Never give up hope. Keep praying and keep trusting in God, the only One who can do the impossible!

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Matthew Hall