You Do the Same Thing

You Do the Same Thing

In Exodus, God blessed the Israelites in magnificent & miraculous ways, yet
they soon grew impatient with God & Moses. Are we guilty of the same sin?

You Do the Same Thing

"And the people thirsted there for water, and the people complained against Moses, and said, 'Why is it you have brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?'"

(Exodus 17:3)

I am currently reading in the Book of Exodus as part of my morning quiet times with the Lord. God's Word is amazing. By His Spirit, He moved men to write these sacred words, words that transcend time because they are the words of God. God loves His people, and He wants us to talk to Hm in prayer and for us to read His Word so He can speak to us. I know God speaks to His people in many ways: through others, circumstances, meditation, and prayer--but the primary method He has chosen to communicate with His people, the Church, is through the powerful Scriptures.

God blessed the Israelites in magnificent and miraculous ways. He led them out of Egyptian bondage by His mighty, powerful, outstretched arm. He guided Israel by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He also parted the Red Sea and then guided them to places of refuge and nourishment. He even gave them quail to eat at night and manna in the morning. So, when I came to Exodus 17 and read where the Israelites got very impatient with God and Moses, I began to think, "Wow. What was their problem? After God had performed so many miracles in their lives, they complained bitterly at the first sign of trouble." And then it happened. You know what I'm talking about, don't you? The Holy Spirit took the Word of God and spoke directly to my heart. The Holy Spirit impressed me with these words: "You do the same thing." Ouch. But it is so true!

How many times has God performed miracles in our lives only for us to doubt and complain the next time trouble comes our way? I am guilty, but I want to do better. I want to be in such good fellowship with the Lord that when trouble invades my otherwise tranquil soul, I am able to take a deep breath, lean into the Lord in prayer, praise Him, and not become discouraged. Can you relate to what I am saying? If so, how can we stand strong in the midst of our sudden turn of events?

It seems that the primary thing to remember (and I have to keep reminding myself) is the importance of trusting God. The awesome God who created us and saved us by His grace through faith is the same God who will empower us to believe and trust in Him in our moment of weakness or sorrow. I relate so often to the man in Mark 9:24 who said, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief."

Have you ever heard the statement, "You can tell how mature someone is by what it takes to upset him or her?" There is much truth in that statement. How about you? Do you lose your patience and throw your hands in the air in despair at the onset of trouble? If so, then begin now to prepare for when those days come--and they will indeed come. Try these responses: take a deep breath, ask the Lord for His comfort and help, thank Him for all the times He has been so faithful to you, and finally, thank Him for how He is currently with you and will never forsake you.

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Podcast of the Week

Pastor Tim Hawks, Pt. 1

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor Tim Hawks, Lead Pastor of Hill Country Bible Church in Austin, TX. In this first part of their discuss-ion, Pastor Tim shares about his background, how he came to Christ, how he came to Pastor HCBC, and some of his experiences there.
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Matthew Hall