"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"
(John 14:6)
The new song by Leland entitled Way Maker is so very good. We have been singing it recently in church, and I hear it now pretty often on the radio. If you have not heard it, let me encourage you to take a few minutes and listen by watching the following YouTube video:
Our God truly makes a way when there was none before. He opens closed doors and supernaturally intervenes in the lives of His children. Why? He does so because He can, and He loves you and me very much.
Jesus told His disciple, Thomas, these powerful and memorable words in John 14:6 that are often quoted in our day. Jesus did not say He was one of many ways to God, but He was the only way, truth, and life. Jesus was either telling the truth or He was not. How do we know He was telling the truth? The most powerful evidence proving the veracity of this bold claim was Jesus' bodily resurrection from the dead. There have been many who have died and come back to life. In fact, the Bible records ten of these occurrences. However, only one person has ever died, come back to life, and never died again, and that would be Jesus. Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus, but being a mere human being, he died again and did not bodily rise from the dead. Only one person has ever done that, and His name is Jesus.
Think about it like this: since Jesus conquered the great enemy of death, what have you and I to fear if we know Him? As a follower of Jesus, if God delivers you from your current trouble, if He makes a way when it seems impossible, then you will give Him the praise He deserves. But if Jesus chooses not to answer in the way you request, and your current difficulty eventuates in your death, well, guess what? You still win, because once you are absent from your physical body on earth, then you will be present with the Lord in heaven (see 2 Corinthians 5:8). So, as a child of God, whether you live or die, you win because of the Way Maker Himself, Jesus. Romans 14:8-9 states, "For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord's. For to this end Christ died and rose and lived again, that He might be Lord of both the dead and the living."
One of the men in my discipleship group, Joelson Roy, made a powerful statement the other night; this is what he said: "God is at work whether we see it or not, because He is faithful."
Amen, He is faithful indeed!
Grow your influence using Jesus’ own techniques
How can you influence the ones you love most and help them discover the joy and peace of life in Christ? Learn from the greatest influencer of all… Jesus Christ!
Pastor Danny’s brand-new book, For the One, clearly explains how you can use Jesus’ own techniques to influence the ones you love—and win their hearts for eternity.
Podcast of the Week
Pastor Tim Hawks, Pt. 2
Pastor Danny welcomes Pastor Tim Hawks, Lead Pastor of Hill Country Bible Church in Austin, TX, back to the show to discuss near-death experiences (NDEs) and the reports of people who have experienced them and survived.