Leading with Courage, Pt. 3

Leading with Courage, Pt. 3 - Corrie Ten Boom

Corrie Ten Boom & her family made the hard & courageous decision to help
the Jewish people of Holland during WWII, & they suffered horribly for it.

Leading with Courage, Pt. 3

"Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

(Joshua 1:6-7, 9)

Do you ever wonder if when you find yourself in the moment in which you will need to display true grit and courage, you will be able to do the right thing? I wonder about this myself.

Corrie Ten Boom was a remarkable lady who led a girls' club in her homeland of Holland from 1921-1940. Boom provided recreation like gymnastics, camping, and music for the girls, and she also led them in Bible devotions. But in 1940, the German Nazis captured Holland after only five days of fighting. Boom and her family loved the Jewish people and hid them from the Nazis, thus the name of the famous movie, The Hiding Place. Corrie spoke about how she wondered if in the heat of the moment she would have the courage to do what is right, even though it would be costly. Her dad asked her, "When do you get the train ticket?" She replied, "Right before I get on the train." Her father told her it would be the same when she faced a difficult choice. God would give her just what she needed at that precise time.

The Boom Family made the hard and courageous decision to help the Jewish people, and they suffered horribly for it. Corrie and her sister Betsie were taken to the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp in Germany in September 1944. The living conditions there were utterly deplorable. Betsie died at Ravensbruck, but Corrie was accidentally released on December 31, 1944. All the women her age were killed a week later. Corrie traveled all over the world telling her story until she died at the age of 91 on April 15, 1983. She said, "When we are obedient, God guides our steps and our stops." (See more information on the life of Corrie Ten Boom, see David Wallington, The Secret Room—the Story of Corrie Ten Boom)

Three times in Joshua 1:1-9 God told Joshua to be courageous. Each one is a Qal Imperative, a command from God when He speaks to His servant. The Hebrew word translated "courage" in verses 6, 7, and 9 is amats, which means to be brave, bold, courageous, and strong.

In verse 6, the command to be courageous is accompanied with a promise. God would give the land to His people; it was just a matter of time. In verse 7, the command to be courageous is accompanied with a word about prosperity. If Joshua would be strong, courageous, and obedient to God, then he would indeed prosper. In verse 9, the command to be courageous is accompanied with a word about the presence of God to go with him. This had to instill great confidence in God's man Joshua to know that the LORD God Almighty had promised to be with him wherever he went.

These precepts and promises in the Word of God apply to all God's people throughout any time period. God will give us what we need to accomplish His will for our lives. "Oh Lord, grant to us Your servants the courage and strength we need to lead well during these days of hardship for so many. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
Podcast of the Week

Word for the Week: Courage

Continuing in our "Word for the Week" series, Pastor Danny focuses this episode of REvangelical on the word "courage".
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Matthew Hall