"I am the vine, you are the branches.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;
for without Me you can do nothing."
(John 15:5)
Jesus teaches us that as His followers, we will not only bear fruit, but we will bear much fruit. The best way we bear much fruit is by sowing the Gospel seed in the lives of those who do not know our Lord. We witness for Christ by how we live our lives and also by what we say to others. God uses our humble attempts and empowers us by His Spirit, and as a result, we bear much fruit for Him.
While in South Africa, we took many Uber rides to get to various destinations. We felt like that would be a better choice for transportation than me trying to figure out how to drive on the left side of the road, rather than the right side, as I am accustomed. God gave us great opportunities to meet and speak with the drivers and pray for them, and one driver named Tinashe gave his life to Christ! He told me about how his daughter had died only two days after being born. It was a devastating time for him and his wife. I shared with him how sorry I was for them. I also shared that in times like that, we as human beings have two options: we either run to God or run away from God. He agreed, and then he told me he loves reading the Bible. When I asked if he had ever given his life to Christ, he simply said he liked to pray. So, when he stopped the car, I asked if he would like to give his life to Christ. He said he would, so I led him in the sinner's prayer. I did not know that my son Leighton sitting in the back seat took a picture (see below). After talking with him about some basic disciplines of discipleship, he smiled and told us how glad he was, and he was going to call his wife! He also told me that he would attend the church in Cape Town that I recommended, Numa Life Church.