"Put on then..."
(Colossians 3:12)
Within my first year of marriage, I have realized two unfortunate things about myself: I don't brush my teeth as much as I should, and I'm not consistent with making the bed. Now, for me, these two things take no real time at all. I have an automatic toothbrush that counts down how long I need to brush my teeth. I only have six pillows to put on the bed. These tasks should be done correctly every day.
In my defense, it is not like I SEE the bed not made or REALIZE that my teeth aren't brushed and ignore the tasks. It's more like I don't think of them at all on my own. When I see that the bed needs to be made, I make it. When I realize I have not brushed my teeth in a while, I brush them.... Sometimes. :)
What would make me SEE the unmade bed and REALIZE that my teeth need to be brushed? Well, it's that word we looked at yesterday: intentionality. When I make the effort to remind myself, the bed gets made and my teeth get brushed, and the effects are AWESOME!
I have a made bed to get into after a long day. I have white teeth and (hopefully) no cavities developing.
This truth of being intentional and doing something productive and effective is especially true in our walk with Jesus. After Paul tells us to put to death a list of sins, he then tells us to put on some Godly characteristics.
He tells us to put on: compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, and love. These things are not NATURAL for us! We do not naturally want to be kind and share everything. We have to "put on" the Godly characteristics that are commanded in scripture. We have the Holy Spirit living in our lives to help us; we just have to "put on".
When we do "put on", it is just like the made bed and brushed teeth: we love the effects, and those around us love us being compassionate, kind, humble, meek, patient, and loving. Paul implores us to "put on" because he knows if we are left to our own devices, we will not do this naturally.
What do you need to "put on" today?