Living Generously in a Global Pandemic, Pt. 4

Living Generously in a Global Pandemic, Pt. 4

Being generous is a discipline that we should practice
at all times--yes, even and especially in the hard times.

Living Generously in a Global Pandemic, Pt. 4

"So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain;
It takes away the life of its owners."

(Proverbs 1:19)

I started out intending to share four lessons with you that God was teaching me during this unprecedented time in our world. Well, I have only shared about one of those so far because there was just so much I wanted to communicate about the topic of generosity. Who knew that the following phrases would become commonplace: "sheltering in place", "social distancing", "keep at least 6 feet apart", and "wear your mask when going outside"? Wow, our world has changed massively in only a few weeks.

Being generous is a discipline that we should practice at all times--yes, even and especially in the hard times. It is much easier to give, help, and assist others when you are doing well. What does it hurt to give when you have plenty? But to give when you are struggling or when you do not know how things are going to turn out for you, well, that is a different matter. That kind of generosity, when you give out of need and not abundance, is very attractive to God.

Don't let possessions possess you. Develop the habit of being a giver and someone who blesses others. Hoarding, stinginess, greed, selfishness--this is no way to live life here on earth.

Unfortunately, I have found that the ones who give the least and are the least generous are often the ones who are the most needy. I would ask the individual, the family, the church, and the business that is always behind, never can get ahead, and always in need, this question: How generous are you? There is a good probability that you or they will say, "Not very generous at all." And it shows.

Trying to convince a person that he or she would be so much better off if they practiced generosity is like trying to tell a person how glorious it is to be converted and give one's life to Christ. Unfortunately, some will never see it, because they do not have the faith that it will take to surrender their lives and their ways of doing things to a greater principle in being generous, and moreover, to the Lord Himself in salvation.

In our biblical text for today, Solomon addresses the opposite of being generous. The last thing on the minds of those who are greedy for gain is blessing and helping others. Have you ever noticed that? It is painful to see because you know it will not turn out well for the person who is constantly trying to increase, even at the expense of others. This verse says this greedy mentality actually takes the life of the person who has this mindset. Being greedy robs us, whereas being generous replenishes us. How does that work? I really cannot explain it, but I have seen so many times how God blesses abundantly those who seek to be a generous blessing to others.

Tomorrow I will wrap up this week's devotions on generosity with some practical pointers that I pray God uses to encourage you to be a person of generosity.
Podcast of the Week

10 Principles for Effective Living: Generosity

Pastor Danny focuses this episode on the principle of Generosity, tackling what it means to be a cheerful giver and how generosity benefits YOU just as much as those to whom you are generous.
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Matthew Hall