Jesus Snacks

Jesus Snacks

Here at GHBC, we have decided to love our community & bless those who are on the front lines of this pandemic. We have fed 525 people in healthcare & law enforcement, & we have also been giving away care packages to those who work in grocery stores & nursing homes.

Jesus Snacks

"Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father in heaven."

(Matthew 5:16)

This global pandemic has caused major disruption in many lives. Everyone has been forced to make changes in almost every area of life. Change is never an easy thing, even in good times. Perhaps you have heard the statement, "The only person who likes change is a baby with a dirty diaper." We would rather change at our own pace, with calculated thought and deliberation. However, this coronavirus has forced us to grapple with issues we never have before and to make decisions that impact many. As Carey Nieuwhof would say, "Crisis is a powerful change accelerant."

At both the church I serve as pastor, Great Hills Baptist Church in Austin, TX, and the ministry I lead, the Danny Forshee Evangelistic Association, we have had to make changes, and fast. For example, I knew what Zoom was and may have used it a few times before March 2020, but now it has become a regular part of my life. Communication has always been important, but now it is absolutely vital.

We can respond in one of two ways to these unprecedented days of trial and disruption: we can either become discouraged, withdraw into our cocoons, and do very little, or we can move forward, step into the challenge, and lead like never before. The first reaction does not turn out well for you or those you are called to influence. The temptation is great, I understand, but let me implore you to be positive, admit you don't have all the answers, and press forward anyway, leading, helping, serving, and giving the best you can.

Here at our church, GHBC, we have decided to love our community and seek ways to bless those who are on the front lines of this pandemic. We have fed 525 people in the healthcare industry and in law enforcement, and we have also been giving away what I call "cup care packages" to those who work in grocery stores and in places like nursing homes. These cups are filled with candy, a pen, coffee, a protein bar, and a handwritten note expressing our appreciation for them and the work they are doing. We will have given away over 900 of these cup care packages when all is said and done. Our people have really stepped up, and it has been such a blessing to serve those who are in need of a little boost of encouragement.

I have to tell you about one lady's response when she received a cup care package from us. I kid you not, this is what she posted to our GHBC Facebook page: "We received Jesus snacks at work today. Although I am not a believer in Jesus, I do appreciate the thank you note and candy. Thank you for being good neighbors, GHBC." We believe a seed has been planted, and we feel so blessed to have been able to reach out to this unbeliever. Will you join me in praying even now that Jesus would draw her to Himself in salvation?

Let us do as Jesus commanded us in our text for today and let our lights shine for the glory of God. Who will you impact today for the glory of God?
Podcast of the Week

10 Principles for Effective Living: Discipline

Pastor Danny focuses this episode on the principle of Discipline, discussing what it really means to have personal discipline in various areas of life, including diet, exercise, sleep schedule, & most importantly, one's relationship with God.
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Matthew Hall