The name Walt Disney usually brings a smile to our faces. Why is that? He was a visionary. He dreamed of the limitless possibilities he could create.
The name Walt Disney usually brings a smile to our faces. Why is that?
He was a visionary. He dreamed of the limitless possibilities he could create.
"You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather
grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?"
(Matthew 7:16)
A visionary is one who sees what others cannot see. They creatively envision a future full of possibilities.
The name Walt Disney usually brings a smile to our faces. Why is that? He was a visionary. He dreamed of the limitless possibilities he could create with just a mouse.
Who doesn't love Disney World? It is one of my favorite places on earth. I still enjoy going, even in my 50s, and I cannot wait to take our grandchildren there one day. Except for a few folks who are bent toward negativity, almost everyone smiles a lot and has a wonderful time when they visit Disney World.
I believe there is a visionary and genius in all of us. Sure, there are those who are exceptionally gifted, like Steve Jobs, Benjamin Franklin, and Leonardo da Vinci.
I have read the biographies of all three of these men, and they were way ahead of their time in their creativity and forward thinking. They envisioned the future and helped make their dreams a reality, and we all are the beneficiaries of their creative genius.
But there is creative genius in you and me too! God created you in His image, and you are a masterpiece from the hands of Elohim, the God who creates. He has instilled in you an ability to see a better future, and He has also gifted you with the ability to reach that better destination and to bring others along with you so they too are blessed. True, you may not create a theme park that will bring joy to billions of people; however, I believe in you; I believe that you can help create a better tomorrow for so many.
Build a stronger, more confident faith!
Pastor Danny gives you God’s answers to life’s big questions in his 7-message series, Explore God.