"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
(Joshua 1:9)
Is there anything in this world more challenging yet rewarding than being a parent? It is the greatest job in the world. Job? Yes! If you have raised children, then you know precisely what I am talking about. This week, I am going to share with you some thoughts on parenting. Ashley and I have three children and two grandchildren. We are grateful to God and give Him all the praise and glory for the wonderful family He has given to us. Ashley and I are wrapping up recording a new podcast series called "Family Goals". We are sharing about different family matters such as marriage, parenting, overcoming conflict, and we also have a couple of episodes where we answer questions from folks on social media. I invite you to listen via either video or audio at dfea.com/podcast.
I was so saddened and disappointed last week when I learned what one of our local independent school districts in the Austin, TX area has approved as a curriculum for reading in their high school English classes. These books are basically X-rated, and some on the school board see nothing wrong with exposing these students to materials that are sexually explicit and vulgar. I know of some parents who are outraged, and rightfully so. Other parents are removing their children from the school district and placing them in Christian schools. I learned last week where a young teacher submitted her resignation because she sees no hope for the future of her school district to truly educate and influence children in a positive way.
We live in a messed-up world, no doubt. Parents are trying to raise their children in a world that is post-Christian in belief and action and very close to becoming anti-Christian in many areas. In fact, one parent in this particular school district has been greatly persecuted for being a Christian and has received sexually charged materials at her home. Some of the things she received were egregiously targeted against Jesus Christ. I am more than sad and discouraged, I am actually angry over what I am seeing. We as the Church have often been silent and timid and have allowed the unthinkable to take place right under our noses.
Take a moment and pray for parents; pray for this public school district, for them to recant their sexual agenda and propaganda. Pray Joshua 1:9 for every follower of Jesus Christ, that we will fear not and do what is right.