Good Ol' Wholesome Wheel of Fortune

Good Ol' Wholesome Wheel of Fortune

My wife, Ashley, and our daughter, Hannah Samplaski, will tell you quickly
that their favorite TV show is the long running game show Wheel of Fortune.

Good Ol' Wholesome Wheel of Fortune

"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden."

(Matthew 5:14)

My wife, Ashley, and our daughter, Hannah Samplaski, will tell you quickly that their favorite TV show is the long running game show Wheel of Fortune. They even tape the episodes they are not able to watch when it comes on at 6:30 p.m. CST. I bet many people of all ages watch this puzzle-solving show hosted by the quirky Pat Sajak and the graceful Vanna White. Why is that? What is the appeal of a game show that has been on air over 30 years and shows no signs of slowing down? I think part of the answer is their adaptability. The show has morphed through the years to prevent it from becoming too predictable and mundane. Sajak and White have been hosting the show consistently for decades, and Americans feel like they kind of know this couple. There is something to be said for consistency. But I think the better reason why it has done so well is because it is a sex-free, vulgarity-free, family-friendly show, and these traits are becoming extremely rare when it comes to popular TV shows.

Ashley and I watch some of the episodes together, and we have a good time trying to figure out the puzzles. I keep telling her she should go on the show, because she can really play! We actually had a church member here at our home church in Austin, GHBC, appear on the show, and she did quite well. Heidi made it all the way to the bonus round! I read a couple of years ago that Pat and Vanna have done quite well. Pat is in his 70s and Vanna in her 60s. Pat works four days a month and makes $15 million a year, and Vanna makes $10 million a year. Not too shabby!

I hope Pat and Vanna keep going another decade or more. Their show is a light in the midst of much darkness. It is a blessing to be able to watch a show that is clean and safe for the whole family. We could use more clean and wholesome content on our theater and TV screens. But hey, we have Wheel of Fortune! "Hey Pat, I would like to buy a vowel: an E, as in Excellent." Excellent work, Merve Griffin, Pat, and Vanna! Thank you for creating a fun and wholesome show for my family and millions of other people to enjoy.

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Podcast of the Week

A New Movement

Pastor Danny discusses the new movement sweeping across churches in America: the call to prayer. He talks about how GHBC and many other churches have begun holding regularly prayer nights, bringing their congregations together, both in person and online, to pray for the needs of one another, their churches, our nation, Christians abroad, and more, and what is happening as a result.
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Matthew Hall