Family First

Family First

"Family first" is a popular little phrase today that is easy
to say but at times can be hard to put into practice.

Family First

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward."

(Psalm 127:3)

This week, I have dedicated our devotions to simple truths we know and how it is good for us simply to be reminded of them. Today, I will share about family. "Family first" is a popular little phrase today that is easy to say but at times can be hard to put into practice. Parents with small children know what I am talking about! There are so many different things vying for parents' time. It is easy to put off spending time with our children and spouses because of some urgent crisis that has come up, usually a crisis that has to do with work.

Ashley and I were not perfect parents, but we did place a premium on spending time with our kids when they were young. Ashley was a stay-at-home mom, and well, all her waking hours were with our children! When our kids were young, I was going non-stop. Perhaps I was never busier in my life than when I was teaching at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, and also serving as the interim pastor at Liberty Baptist Church in Hampton, VA. I would teach during the week and on the weekends drive three and a half hours to VA, preach four times on Sunday, and then drive back to NC. This was in the year 1998; our children at the time were eight, six, and five years old. By God's empowering grace and my wife's encouragement, I was able to prioritize my family over my ministry. There were times that I failed, no doubt. Again, I am grateful for God's grace and my wife's patience.

Coming home after a long day of work, it was a joy to be able to spend time with the kids, and that usually involved some kind of sports activity. We played many hours of kickball, baseball, and football. My kids still remember the route patterns I taught them as their quarterback dad. Fun times. I would not trade those moments for anything! As our kids grew older, we continued to spend time with them, especially as they participated in various activities in school.

Sure, there are things I would have done differently as a parent, but we did prioritize our kids over everything else except God and our marriage. Funny thing how today we love spending time with our kids, their spouses, and our grandbabies. Today is our youngest's birthday. Happy 27th birthday, Leighton! Mom and I love you!

Here is a recent picture of my family that we took at the lake:
Let this be not just a cute cliché but a reality of your life: FAMILY FIRST.

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Podcast of the Week

Family Goals, Pt. 3: Dealing with Conflict

Pastor Danny and his wife, Ashley, continue their "Family Goals" series, discussing in this episode how to deal with conflict within a marriage and between one's children in a healthy and Christ-like manner.
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Matthew Hall