A Distracted Fishermen

A Distracted Fishermen

What distracts you from being a good fisher of men? Will you give Jesus
your "yes," cast your line, and invite people to surrender to Jesus?

A Distracted Fishermen

This week's devotions are written by Daniel VanCleave, Young Adult Pastor at Great Hills Baptist Church.
I went deep-sea fishing for grouper, and it was an exhilarating adventure! The Gulf of Mexico was pristine that day, about 50 miles off Panama City Beach, Florida. The boat was outfitted with state-of-the-art-amenities and flaunted a full kitchen, electric fishing reels, and fish-finding radar. Ok, I will confess, I don't particularly like fishing, but I do like boats, reclining chairs, and catching fish. There is a big difference! I claimed my recliner on the upper deck and soaked up the happiness. My fondest recollection and distraction were the elegant white fishing chairs; they were more comfortable than my Lazyboy recliner.

I could see for a hundred miles from my comfy chair, but instead of fishing, I scanned the horizon, spotting sailboats, cargo ships, and even a battleship or two. There were hundreds of vessels out there, and the more I looked, the more numerous they were. The golden sunshine, blue water, and the comfiest reclining chair in the world were marvelous, but they were not my primary adventure. I was there to catch fish, not lounge in the perfect chair! It only took five minutes before I fell into a deep sleep. As I slept, my bending rod tried to alert me to the biggest catch of the day. I was distracted and doing what was most important to me: sleeping! Screams from the fishermen below awoke me, and I reeled in my one-hundred-pound prize.

Jesus' first followers were fishermen by trade, and He articulated their duty: "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19). His disciples would catch fish again, but as a follower of Jesus, the primary mission is to catch men. To catch men, one must be awake to divine appointments, engage people, and introduce everyone they can to Jesus. This very call rests on Jesus' followers today: catch men! Christian, if you are going to follow Jesus, then you must stay awake and cast Gospel-lures in every viable water hole.

Step one for catching men is the most difficult; it is giving Jesus your "yes." This heart-shift is a choice to make yourself available to Jesus and prioritize His command. When we forgo selfishness and put Jesus first, He will send the fish to bite our line; then we are His witnesses (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit of God is both the One who sends the fish and the One who draws them to respond (John 6:44; 15:26). Step two is to speak that which the Holy Spirit tells you. Jesus said as you go, "the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say." The onus is on us to "go," and the Holy Spirit will speak through us and to the heart of who He is calling to salvation.

What distracts you from catching men? Will you give Jesus your "yes," cast your line, and invite people to surrender to Jesus? Will you purpose to stay awake and speak as He directs? Lord, please forgive me for being a sleeping fisherman. I give you my "yes" and ask You to help me stay awake and prioritize fishing for men. Through Your power, I desire to listen to your prompting and be obedient to share the Gospel everywhere I go.

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Podcast of the Week

Family Goals, Pt. 2: Be Positive

Pastor Danny and his wife, Ashley, continue their "Family Goals" series, discussing in this episode the importance of positivity and lifting each other up.
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Matthew Hall