"So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done for you."
(John 13:14-15, CSB)
With Easter Sunday coming this weekend, I want to spend the last two days of this week looking at the last two days of Jesus' life here on Earth. Right before the celebration of the Passover feast, Jesus does something extraordinary! Jesus began to wash His disciples feet! Peter, so taken aback by this gesture from Christ, first tells Jesus that he won't allow Jesus to wash his feet, and then Peter tells Jesus to wash his hands and his head as well! Obviously, there were many other mixed reactions to this incredible act by Jesus!
I can only imagine what it would be like in that moment. Having been a disciple, a follower of Jesus for three years and having seen Jesus do many incredible, amazing miracles. They saw Jesus feed the 4,000 and the 5,000. They saw Jesus raise people from the dead. They saw Jesus heal people of disease and cast out demons. Then, in John 13, these disciples see this mighty miracle-worker, the One who walks on water, and the One who is the Resurrection and the Life begin serving them by washing their feet. What a moment!
Then, if that were not enough, Jesus commands the disciples to do the same! He tells them, "For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done for you." Jesus, the incarnate God, gives us an example from the beginning of His life up until the very end to serve one another. He gives us both the example and the command to put other people first. We are not to think of ourselves as better than anyone. The Gospel message is for all, and we are beneficiaries of Jesus who, though He was God, did not come down to the earth as a king, but took the form of a servant and came to the world to save people from their sins. In relationship with Jesus, and wanting to look more and more like Jesus, we must adopt and implement the same attitude that He had towards people: we must serve them.
Who and how can you serve today? Who can you serve with the great celebration of Easter coming up on Sunday? Who can you invite with you to your Good Friday service and/or your Easter Celebration service? May we be people who reflect Jesus by serving humbly, intentionally, and just like Jesus.