"Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took to him his wife, and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son. And he called His name Jesus."
(Matthew 1:24-25)
Joseph did, took, and called—all three of these actions taken by Joseph are obedient responses to the dream he had. I love how Joseph obeys God. He does not allow fear to paralyze him; instead, he steps forward in faith and does what God has clearly commanded him to do.
First, he "did". I like that. He did not think about it or delay, he simply did it. Second, he "took" Mary to be his wife. He knew she was pregnant, but he also knew that God was up to big things, and he had a vital role to play in this first Christmas narrative. Third, he "called" her Son, Jesus. The best way to respond to God's message is to obey God.
Here are three practical points of application I leave with you as we conclude our devotions this week:
1. Do not fear.
Fear or faith; you and I must decide. It cannot be both. One will always prevail over the other. I visited with Zahea Nappa a few weeks before her death while she was in the hospital recovering from her fall and surgeries. She was 87 years old and one of the strongest ladies you could ever meet. She told me how she fell and lay in her home on the floor with a broken leg and arm for two days. I asked her how she made it; was she able to doze off and sleep? She said she could not sleep because of the pain, but she cried out to God in prayer. And then she said these words that have stuck with me and probably will continue to for quite some time: "You either trust God or you don't." Her comments remind me of what Damon West said when he spoke at our church, "If you are going to worry, then don't pray. But if you are going to pray, then don't worry."
2. Receive God's miracles for your life.
God has a plan for you and for me. It is unlike any other plan in the universe because there is no other human being who is you. You are unique. His plan for you is perfect for you. The happiest people in the world are those who know God and live out His will for their lives. They do not waste time in comparing themselves to others or waste valuable mental energy on being jealous of others. I believe God has the plan for your life, the perfect blueprint, and when you are following Him and obeying Him, then you will receive the miracles He has for you.
Would you believe me if I told you that God wants to do amazing things in and through you? He does. Receive His miracles for you, His plans, His pattern He wants you to follow. Some have missed God's will in their lives and have made some bad mistakes and poor choices. News flash: we all do; welcome to the human race! But here is the amazing thing about the Lord: His mercies are new every morning. He can start working again in your life today if you only believe and obey what He tells you.
Lamentations 3:22-23 states:
"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness."
3. Obey God.
The Bible tells us of so many whose lives are characterized by either obedience or disobedience. We have a choice. Having lived over 5 decades now and having served the Lord for over 30 years, it is so plain to me that we are the sum of our choices. We either obey God or we do not, and we are either blessed or we are not. God's ways take faith; it is not the easy path, but it is always best. Will you trust Him today and walk in obedience to what He tells you? It will be for His glory and your everlasting good!
I hope you have enjoyed and benefited from our special Christmas study these past two weeks. All of us here at DFEA wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas!