What is the reward for the poor in spirit?
Jesus says clearly that the reward of the poor in spirit is two-fold: they are blessed (
makarios, joyful, content, happy), and they are part of the kingdom of heaven. After Jesus died and arose from the dead, He taught for 40 days on this subject of the Kingdom of God (
Acts 1:3).
The kingdom of God certainly has a future element to it. The humble in spirit will live forever with Jesus in His earthly millennial kingdom, and then forever with Him in His heavenly eternal kingdom. But the kingdom has a present element as well. It is the reign of Jesus in your heart currently. Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you (
Luke 17:21). The kingdom of God is manifest in the people of God as we live for Him in our current age. The kingdom of God is the reign of Jesus in the here and now. So, there is a future dimension to the kingdom of heaven as well as a present reality.
We are blessed as God's kingdom is advanced in and through us. We are the truly blessed and content ones. The kingdoms of this world are cheap imitations and cannot satisfy the hearts of men and women. If it were so, then Solomon should have been the happiest and most blessed man who ever lived. But listen to the man who had everything and what he said in
Ecclesiastes 1:2:
"All is vanity." It is all empty,
havel, vapor, breath. The kingdoms of this world are vanity, a mist that passes away, but the kingdom of our LORD and of His Christ lasts forever.
Thomas Watson said, "Things of this world will no more keep out trouble of spirit than a piece of paper will stop a bullet. Worldly delights are winged." (MacArthur, p. 40)
Lloyd-Jones says, "Wherever the reign of Christ is being manifested, the kingdom of God is there. . . . The kingdom of God is present . . . in the hearts of those who have submitted to Christ and in whom and among whom He reigns." (Lloyd-Jones,
Studies in the Sermon on the Mount, p. 31)