"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
(Matthew 5:3)
There is a debate among interpreters of Scripture whether Jesus' Sermon on the Mount applies to life on earth, life in the millennial kingdom, or life in heaven. I believe Jesus' words were not for the sweet by-and-by but for the hectic and gritty here and now. Jesus describes the principles and lifestyle of His followers. It is not hard to live by these teachings of Jesus; it is impossible to live this quality of life! We must have the Holy Spirit living in and through us and be yielded to God.
But for those who embrace these sayings of Christ, they will be like a man who built his house on the rock, as Jesus states at the end of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7:24.
A father was trying to take a nap, but his young son wanted his attention and had energy to spare. The dad got a picture of the world, cut it up in small pieces, and gave it to his son to put the pieces back together. The father thought it would take hours, but the son came back in 15 minutes, having completed the project. The dad was shocked and asked the son how he could do this so quickly. The son said, "It was easy. There was a picture of a person on the back of the map, so when I got my person put together, the world looked just fine." (John Baker, Life's Healing Choices, p. 1)
We all need help and healing, and as we study and apply the message of Jesus in the Beatitudes, we will be whole. Baker goes on to write, "Each of our lives is tangled up with hurts that haunt our hearts, hang-ups that cause us pain, and habits that mess up our lives." (Ibid.) That is so true, but with Jesus we can be made whole, blessed, and live a meaningful life!
During our study of the Beatitudes, I believe you will find that Jesus' words are life and healing to those who believe and apply them. His timeless words provide the keys to putting men and women back together. Jesus invites us to follow Him and obey what He says. As we do, we experience wholeness and healing.