The LORD of Hosts

The LORD of Hosts

I love this Hebrew name of God, Jehovah Sabaoth, the LORD of Hosts,
the God of the armies of heaven. It speaks to the awesome power of God.

The LORD of Hosts

"The LORD of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah
Come, behold the works of the LORD,
Who has made desolations in the earth."

(Psalms 46:7-8)

I love this Hebrew name of God, Jehovah Sabaoth, the LORD of Hosts, the God of the armies of heaven. It speaks to the awesome power of God. The God of the Bible is the King of the universe, and He is sovereign over all. His power cannot be diminished. Our problems and difficulties do not lessen the power of God; they only accentuate His power. He intervenes on behalf of His children, and as He does so, He displays His glorious might once again.
Listen to the song "LORD of Hosts" by the Christian band Shane and Shane. It will bless you and stir your soul to worship God.
The psalmist states very clearly that God is with us, and He is our refuge. He is the one we cling to during the storms of life. He shelters and provides that place of solace and refuge, yes, even in the midst of the storm.

In verse 8, the psalmist invites us to come and behold the works of the LORD. The Hebrew word translated "behold" is chazah, which means to gaze, perceive, and contemplate. One writer describes the works of the LORD this way: "Acts of God in the history of salvation: Exodus, Conquest, the period of the judges, and the monarchy. The recitation of the mighty acts of God plants deep in the memory of God's people the evidences of His care, protection, and providential rule." (VanGemeren, Expositor's Commentary)

In our moments of trial and fear, we often develop spiritual amnesia and forget the power of God. He will judge this earth and He will prevail. He will do away with wars, and strivings will indeed cease. God invites us in our times of affliction and difficulty to behold His works. It is most therapeutic to do so, as it helps us get our eyes off our problems and on God, who alone can help us.

If you are like me, then you know what spiritual amnesia is. During times of hurt, my focus immediately goes to the problem or the pain and not to the God who saves and delivers. The reaction I am striving to have is instead, at the onset of whatever trial or temptation I face, to first and foremost go to God and call out to Him, remembering His faithfulness and His promises. He has always come through, so what makes us think He will not this time?

During our weekly prayer meeting last Wednesday, the Lord spoke to my heart about the sin of despair. It is not befitting a child of God to be given over to despair. We cannot be full of faith and fear at the same time! What sins do you need to confess to God even now?

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What does it take to be an effective leader? In this episode, Pastor Danny shares his answers to his friend Rob Daniel's questions about leadership. He shares his five main leadership principles, the figures he most admires and has learned from, the books that have helped him in leadership, and more!

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Chris Williams