The City of God

The City of God

The city of God, the dwelling of the Most High God... wow, what a place...
what a glorious place that is. I have my reservation; do you have yours?

The City of God

"Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah
There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God,
The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High."

(Psalm 46:3-4)

Waters roar, mountains shake, there is trouble and more trouble—the psalmist was not writing in 2021, but in 1000 B.C. No doubt, in this world, we are going to have bad days. You may be thinking, "Why is that?" We live in a fallen world. When sin entered the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3, life changed forever, not just for Adam and Eve, but for all of us. Have you ever noticed that sin makes everything worse? Anger and unforgiveness lead to divorce; unfaithfulness leads to heartbreak; worry leads to stress-filled days, and I could go on and on. Until we depart to be with God in heaven, we will have to tread through some crummy days and maybe even some horrible seasons until we get through to the other side.

But think about the other side! Ponder anew with me the river of life and peace flowing freely, untainted through the city of God. The psalmist uses the word "glad." Our world could use some "glad" about it right now, don't you think? There is plenty of sad, mad, and bad, but how about some glad?! Right now, I am walking and praying through some really hard days with some friends. I can think of no greater heartache than to see your child suffer while being unable to do anything to make the pain go away. Their pain is the kind that can cripple you, were it not for the hope of God, the peace He gives, and the place assured for His children, the city of God.

The opposite of sin is righteousness, or as the Psalmist says, that which is "holy". The tabernacle, the dwelling place of El Elyon, God Most High, is holy. No sin can enter His presence. In heaven, there will be no heartaches or pain, and the reason why is, there will be no sin. I long for heaven. I want to serve the Lord to the best of my ability until He takes me home. But I still have a way to go in my walk with Him and my sanctification. For example, I found myself getting impatient the other day with someone, and it was for no good reason. I did not say anything (fortunately), but my heart was just not right. Can you relate?

The city of God, the dwelling of the Most High God... wow, what a place... what a glorious place that is. I have my reservation; do you have yours? Jesus is preparing a place for me and all His followers, according to John 14:3, and one awesome, bright and glorious day, He is Coming Back! "Even so, come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:20)

If you need a spiritual boost today, a song to make your heart rejoice and be glad, listen to this new one called "River of Life" by Mac Powell:

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What does it take to be an effective leader? In this episode, Pastor Danny shares his answers to his friend Rob Daniel's questions about leadership. He shares his five main leadership principles, the figures he most admires and has learned from, the books that have helped him in leadership, and more!

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Chris Williams